Let me introduce myself

Substack is a brand new place for me. Even if I love writing, what I’ve done so far has been just adding (nice) captions to my pictures. Not even on all pictures.
Because my creativity goes mostly into photography.

When my friend Nikki told me about this platform, I thought I should have a look to see what it offers and if I can share my work in a slightly different way.

I’m a 43-years-young Italian guy, living in a small town in the north of the country.
To be completely honest, I’m only a hobbyist photographer: my main job is in the IT.
The funny thing is that, until 2012, I didn’t even care about photography. The real artist is my best half, who always amazes me whenever she sits to draw something.
When, back then, I had to think to her birthday gift, since she was also interested in photography, I had no doubts about it: a DSLR camera was the perfect present to upgrade her gear.
I remember I spent several weeks studying what the market was offering at the time, to understand how a reflex works and what the best choice could be.

And then I bought it.

Unfortunately it turned out she’d never really liked using a “complex” camera. She preferred her point-and-shoot one, quicker and simpler.
However, I didn’t want to return the camera. The time I spent reading about photography, prior to buy it, opened my eyes to a new, amazing world.

So I decided to keep it, and that’s the start of my photographic journey.

Ok, enough for now.
I promise next time I will tell you more about my photography.

Take care and talk soon!