The secret behind some of my most particular sets

A good artist is the one who can steal, not the one who can copy.

There is a big difference between stealing an idea and copying an idea.
And it’s all into the ability of the author to drive the creativity to achieve the result.

Be very careful here: I’m not talking about stealing or copying an image, which goes against the copyright law.

I’m talking about the idea behind the image. The intuition that brought to the creation of that particular image.

When I copy an idea from a picture I saw on whatever medium, I’m just proving to myself I can recreate something already done by someone else. I’m not adding anything from my own world to the final result.

When I steal an idea, instead, I’m starting a creative process that will stimulate my fantasy and will recall all the images, experiences, and places I’ve got to know in my life to re-elaborate the input and give it an entirely personal and new shape.

However, I have to add something to the very first statement.
A good artist is also the one who’s able to involve the right collaborators in each set.

I admit my special one is my mother.

It happened a few times since I started my photography journey to discuss with her about ideas, sometimes being me asking her how to do certain things and others being her giving me input for new sets.

She’s great at creating amazing dresses or accessories, like the ones below for these Halloween sets.

And even finding alternative materials to build something from scratch, like this dress which is made of hundreds of Nespresso capsules.

A set is always teamwork. Be it a simple portrait session involving just the photographer and the model, or a more complex one where different talents participate to reach the same goal.
Having my mother beside me to help with handicrafts is a joy and an incredible added value.

That’s all, folks. Now you know my secret. Go steal some ideas 😉 

Take care and talk soon!

PS: I know you’ll read this. Thank you, Mom ❤️