Bye bye, summer! See you next year!

It’s been one month, more or less, since my family and I have come back from our last small vacation at the seaside. 
To be honest, the weather was not that friendly: out of 5 days of stay, we had two days with rain, one completely cloudy and the last two with a little bit of sun and a cold, strong wind.

Needless to say, the kid was sort of desperate.

The good thing is, on the other hand, the hotel.
We discovered the Hotel delle Rose six years ago, looking for a small structure close to the sea which also had a chance to have a walk on the seaside without traffic and cars.
This place looked perfect.
After all this time, I have to say that each summer, when we go back there, it’s like arriving at a second home.
The owner and the staff, we now know almost all of them, are super kind and they make the stay even more comfortable and pleasant.

And my son (7-year-old) is totally in love with one of the ladies at the restaurant service, so we can’t but go there every year 😉

So, bad weather meant we could not go to the beach: we decided to visit a small medieval town, Cervo, which is only 10 minutes from the hotel.

We parked the car just outside the town walls and started our walk.
As soon as we passed the entrance, we discovered a labyrinth of tiny alleys climbing and descending the hill where the town was built. I was impressed by the smell in the air. It was like being thrown back to when craftsmen used to do their magic. Wood, spices, tissues, food. Every corner had a different perfume.
We also visited the Castle which was hosting, during that period, an exhibition about women in time. It was very particular because it was made of all Barbies which were dressed up and put in a location representing specific jobs at specific periods in history.

I liked the contrast between the dolls and what they represented.

We walked for another while (“We are at the seaside, why don’t we go to the sea?” the kid said…), just the time to find a beautiful spot for a panoramic picture.

That was our quick cultural visit to Cervo. Nice enough for a few pictures and to fill some time waiting for the sun to appear again.

The last couple of days, as I said, we could do some sea life at the beach.
Not hot enough to bathe, however ok to play on the foreshore.

And enough for me to take some more shots.

In the end, with a little nostalgia and heaviness in the heart, it’s now definitely time to say goodbye to summer and start searching for the Christmas tree…
THAT time will be here faster than expected.

Take care and talk soon!