General discussion

  • The secret behind some of my most particular sets

    The secret behind some of my most particular sets

    A good artist is the one who can steal, not the one who can copy. There is a big difference between stealing an idea and copying an idea.And it’s all into the ability of the author to drive the creativity to achieve the result. Be very careful here: I’m not talking about stealing or copying an image, which goes…

  • Take your time to switch off…

    Take your time to switch off…

    …and recharge the batteries August, typically, is the slowest month for me.The day-by-day routine is frenetic and drains energies for an entire year. Work, family and unexpected issues to deal with are all a source of stress that gets accumulated with almost no chance to release it. This month is a sort of “mindfulness month” when I…

  • Back in the summer of…well, can’t remember when it was

    Back in the summer of…well, can’t remember when it was

    But it was amazing, wild and smelled like freedom When I read this post by Nat Persoglio I was immediately thrown back into my teenage years. It was a punch, because those memories, though vivid, had been hiding back in my mind for a very long time. I was still in high school and we were three…

  • Exit the exif obsession

    Exit the exif obsession

    Are EXIF data an important info? Yes, but not really Ok, I admit it. I also fell into this vortex when I started my photographic journey.I believe it is a normal step towards learning and growing self-confidence, maybe even an essential one.When you approach something completely new, you first look for some guides or tips…

  • The desire for creation

    The desire for creation

    There is one thing I’ve noticed since I started making photographs: after each set, I immediately feel the urge to plan a new one. This is weird because photography has never been in my life until I started it, nearly 10 years ago (at the moment I’m writing this article). I thought the passion for…

  • The reasons I started a newsletter in English

    The reasons I started a newsletter in English

    It may seem a silly topic to discuss, however, I thought it’s worth spending a few words about it. I’m Italian, and, in my experience, a lot of us find it pretty difficult to communicate in English.So, have I gone crazy, especially considering that driving the right content properly is the key to being successful…

  • Holidays, finally!

    Holidays, finally!

    A few words about some family time I’ve just come back from a one-week vacation at the seaside. And it happens every single time: when I start unpacking the suitcases, I already feel nostalgic for the whisper of the waves. Living close to the Lake of Como, in the North of Italy, means the closest…

  • Living (and working) in a small town

    Living (and working) in a small town

    If you remember from my very first introduction post, I live in a small town in the north of Italy.I love this place, because it’s close to the Lake of Como, which is amazing, and I am surrounded by woods, hills and other smaller lakes equally lovely.I’ve always lived away from the big cities (Milan is…

  • Meta and GDPR

    Meta and GDPR

    It’s recent news that Meta was fined a record amount of $1.3B for violating GDPR rules and sending information about EU users to the US. I’m personally happy about this decision, and, if you follow me on my socials, I’ve never hidden my position against Meta and their products. The main point is I can’t stand for…

  • What value can I share with my publications?

    What value can I share with my publications?

    I’ve been thinking a lot about what to write. It’s not easy at all to find something that will give you concrete value in the jungle of content that’s available on the net. Before I started this new journey, my only way to communicate was through my images. Which is still what I like the…

  • Instagram: the good and the evil

    Instagram: the good and the evil

    I believe that all the noise that’s been around Instagram in the recent past contributed to give it more attraction and to keep people to still use it despite all the changes they’ve been making.My personal experience on the topic tells me that, while a lot of photographers are fed up with the logic that…

  • Why Portraits?

    Why Portraits?

    I’m pretty sure it happened to almost all the beginners: you wander around with your camera taking a snap of basically everything.I believe this is an essential step in the growth of a photographer because it’s the start of a process that helps you find your way and define which is the kind of photography…