Inside the Photo

  • Inside the Photo #10

    Inside the Photo #10

    Talking with Aurora Lipe Happy Tuesday my friend! Are you ready for another amazing Inside the Photo?My guest today is a brilliant and super-talented Italian photographer, Aurora. I’ve found her work on Instagram and I can say her portraits are amazing.Simple and natural. My name is Aurora and I am a young portrait and brand photographer.…

  • Inside the Photo #9

    Inside the Photo #9

    Talking with Matt Menhenett Hey hey, my friend! Are you ready to dive into an amazing image? My guest for today’s Inside the Photo is Matt, a designer and photographer whose work is absolutely stunning. I’m Matt, the barely functional entity behind Edge of the Map. I take lots of photos and design lots of things; some…

  • Inside the Photo #8

    Inside the Photo #8

    Talking with Aurelia Velasco Perroni Good morning everyone, happy Tuesday and Happy New Year!Thank you for being with me again in this 2024. I appreciate you! And what better way to start the new year than sharing a new Inside the Photo.My guest today is an amazing photographer I’ve been following on LinkedIn. She’s Aurelia and…

  • Inside the Photo #7

    Inside the Photo #7

    Talking with Thiago Castor Good morning everyone and happy Tuesday! It’s again that time of the month when I share with you the work of incredible artists.Today’s Inside the photo shows an amazing picture from my friend Thiago, a very talented wedding photographer. Hey there, I’m Thiago Castor, hailing from the vibrant country of Brazil, but living…

  • Inside the Photo #6

    Inside the Photo #6

    Talking with Nicole Hoeft Welcome back, my dear reader! In this month’s Inside the Photo, I want to introduce you to the beautiful images created by Nicole Hoeft. Hi, I’m Nicole. I’m a hobby photographer and blasthole driller for a large mining operation. Like many people in recent years, my fondness for photography began with social media…

  • Inside the Photo #5

    Inside the Photo #5

    Talking with Wesley Jacobs Happy Tuesday, my friends, and welcome to another appointment with Inside the Photo. This month, I’m putting a spotlight on the amazing landscape pictures of my friend Wesley Jacobs. I think back across my life and realised that, in one form or other, I’ve always enjoyed having a camera in my hands. It…

  • Inside the Photo #4

    Inside the Photo #4

    Talking with Tonspi Happy Tuesday, my dear subscribers. I’m beyond excited to present to you Tonspi, my very welcome guest for this month’s Inside the Photo. My name is José, or Tonspi for my friends; I was born in Angola and currently live in Luanda.I started taking pictures on the sly when I was 8 years…

  • Inside the Photo #3

    Inside the Photo #3

    Talking with Craig McGowan This month, the special guest of my Inside the Photo appointment is the fantastic landscape photographer Craig McGowan. As a teenager, my first camera was a 35mm film SLR Olympus OM-1. Decades later returning to photography I entered the digital era, with my current kit centred on a Nikon D850 system. My first love in…

  • Inside the Photo #2

    Inside the Photo #2

    Talking with Sayed Abdullah El Huseini This month’s appointment with Inside the Photo is a nice talk with my friend Sayed. A nice pal I’ve been following for quite some time now on many different platforms. Hi, I’m Sayed Abdullah El Huseini, from Malaysia. I’m photographer, my genre is portraiture. The reason I started my full time…

  • Inside the Photo #1

    Inside the Photo #1

    Talking with Mike Hindle Today I’m having a chat with Mike Hindle. I’ve been lucky enough to discover his amazing works on Vero and I can tell you I’m always happy to see any of his images popping up in my feed. Hi, my name’s Mike Hindle. I’m an iPhone photographer and graphic designer from Derby…