Hey hey, my dear friend! Here we are at our very last appointment for 2024.

It’s been a productive year, with its ups and downs, and overall, I can say I’m happy with what I see when I look back. While I’ve lost some connections along the way, I’ve also gained new ones that I’m truly grateful for.
This time of year is a special opportunity for me to slow down and focus more than usual on family and loved ones. It’s a moment to detox and unwind from the hectic pace that often drains my energy throughout the year (with the exception of summer vacation, of course! 😃).
Spending time in the warmth of home with my parents and family, and dedicating quality moments to play with my child, is the sweetest and most effective way to recharge. It prepares me for the challenges that the new year will bring.
I wish you all a chance to spend this time in your happy place, surrounded by the people you value the most. There’s truly no better feeling than giving and receiving love.
Take care and talk soon!