Talking with Doug Friesen
Hey, my dear friend! Happy New Year and welcome to the first Inside the Photo of 2025.
I’m happy today to have here with me a very talented artist. He’s Doug Friesen and here’s more about him
Photography is art.
My name is Doug and I am an artist. My mediums are photography, illustration and writing. My creative history bridges photography and art with a long career in the book printing industry where I took on creative, training and technical roles. I am somewhat without niche. Subjects widely range from still art to dynamic scenes with complexity in the face of pure minimalism. Often simplified colour swatches exist within my pieces. As with every piece, a strong technical component exists as the foundation. In 2024 I received the recognition of being selected by as one of the 100 Photographers To Watch 2024. I also was curated into a digital galleries at both the Blockchain Futurist Conference in Toronto and the Bitcoin conference, Inscribing Miami in 2024.
I tell you: Doug’s collection of images is impressive. You will get what I mean by just having a look at his website (which I’ll link below). The tribute to The Natural World leaves me just speechless and breathless.
His body of work is so wide you can spend hours digging into his creations. Let yourselves immerse in the beauty of art, starting from the photo below.

Primordial Horizon © Doug Friesen
Chasing light.
Simplicity in form, I watched the rise and fall of the ocean waters in the Adriatic Sea. I was aboard a cruise ship. Having a few minutes prior to dinner I found myself on the balcony, finding zen in the view. Growing up in the prairies of Canada, ocean views are somewhat foreign. The waters were very calm this late afternoon. As I watched the gentle rise and fall, a horizon appeared in the form of the break in the crest. The light gently reflected from that point into the wider ocean with a beautiful gradient that felt like a pseudo horizon. Highlighted by the contrasts in light and texture beneath this calm, was the wake of our ship interrupting the nature below me, fighting to break the zen of nature yet never succeeding — only to be overcome by the stillness that was ever present. Primordial Horizon was born. This artwork is a singular photographic frame as captured and is minted on the Ethereum Blockchain as an NFT.
More than beautiful pixels, I tell stories through my photography. I want the viewer to feel emotion, ask questions and contemplation in the immortalization of the moment.
Here are all the links to check Doug’s work. Take your time to have a deep dive into his art. I’m sure you will enjoy it and find inspiration.
Thanks for being with us today, Doug!
Take care and talk soon!