Inside the Photo #4

Happy Tuesday, my dear subscribers. I’m beyond excited to present to you Tonspi, my very welcome guest for this month’s Inside the Photo.

My name is José, or Tonspi for my friends; I was born in Angola and currently live in Luanda.I started taking pictures on the sly when I was 8 years old with a Rollei that my father kept and loved. I remember photographing chickens, flowers and my younger sister Maria.At the age of 17, I got a job during school holidays and with some money I had saved I bought what was my dream camera at the time, a second-hand Nikon F, which ended up being stolen a few years later.As an oil and gas engineer, I was able to travel around the world: Europe, Asia and Africa were the destinations I visited and where I photographed whenever I could.About 20 years ago, I decided to change everything and dedicate myself to what I love to do most, Photography.I published 3 books, and today, I made my living exclusively from Photography.I hope I can continue to photograph for another 100 years, as long as the eyes, heart and soul are able to see, feel and love.

I first found Tonspi’s images on Linkedin and I was immediately touched by the profound connection he shows with his Land and his people. Even if I started following him for his portraits, I then discovered a whole world made of reportages and real-life documentaries. The dark, moody atmosphere is a characteristic you will find as a fingerprint in his images.

Cuando Cubango – Angola, shortly after the war…
The war that ravaged my country for years left visible marks on landscapes, cities and people.
They were terrible years for everyone and many years later these marks still remain.
Wasted lives, minefields, abandoned wreckage.
Gradually life returned, people returned to their places of origin and routines happened again. Going to the river to bathe, wash clothes or fetch water for consumption at home has once again become a daily activity for many, especially young people and children.
I have travelled a lot in my country and recorded the way in which we have been reacting and how we have been adapting to a reality that obliges us to live with a past that we want to forget at all costs.

Pointless to say there are a whole lot of incredible images to discover just one click away. So here are a couple of links I recommend you check to deep dive into all his work.

Personal Website
Studio Website

Thanks a lot, Tonspi, for sharing with us this incredible image and the powerful story behind it.

Take care and talk soon!