What value can I share with my publications?

I’ve been thinking a lot about what to write.

It’s not easy at all to find something that will give you concrete value in the jungle of content that’s available on the net.

Before I started this new journey, my only way to communicate was through my images. Which is still what I like the most.
I like it because of the creative process that precedes the click. And for the almost infinite possibilities to put even more of myself into the shot, after the image is saved to the camera.

However, a newsletter made only with images may not be so appealing. If I think of the emails I receive, I expect them to contain also some texts.
And since I like to write, this is a nice combination.

Now, again, what’s the value?

If I were a subscriber, what I’d love to read would be about the authors.
There’s always a story. All of us have one. Made of little details which explain specific choices.

For this reason, I decided to start a monthly series in which I will ask my fellow photographers to describe what not all can read into an image. To give us the background that led to a photograph.

I believe this is a great value.

It’s a connection between people through art.

I do really hope you will like reading the stories as much as I love collecting them.

It will be called: Inside the Photo.

Take care and talk soon!