Writing is as beautiful as taking pictures

Hey my dear friend, the first thing I want to tell you is I appreciate you are dedicating time to read my newsletter. That means a lot.

Now, when I started this journey, a little more than one year ago, I was not sure about how to set up the whole thing. I mean, that was the first time I used my writing as a means to communicate and share my passion and my thoughts. Of course, I write captions to my images when I post them across my socials, however, they are mainly just short inputs about that single image or just telling who was part of the team for that set.

A newsletter is a completely different story.

It requires consistency, time, dedication.

As you know, this is not my primary job, which implies that I need to find the proper time out of my work activities. And I have a family, which equally requires attention and presence.

I am proud I managed to post regularly every week for one year.

I’m happy I’ve been able to give you value and content you could use for your personal growth or just to entertain you.

After one year, I can say that I’m loving a lot this way of sharing my ideas and my work.

I love to share fellow artists’ work and bring them to your attention.

I love writing fictional stories based on my AI experiments.

I loved (a lot) creating the interview with Joe (here you can find the first part and here the second part).

I’m now working on another collaboration, which I hope will give you even more value and which I’m sure will also enrich my experience.

I can’t hide that, despite how much I like writing, it’s not always easy to focus and prepare a new post to offer you each week.

Remember that I’m a photographer, more than a writer.

However, I so much believe in this format that I can always find the motivation and a good topic to share.

I’m discovering, the more I keep this newsletter going, that writing is as beautiful as taking pictures.

They both rely on creativity and they both require time to develop, to improve and to fail.

In both, I inevitably put part of myself, my emotions, my experience and this tells you about who I am, what I like and what I dislike.

Of course, as I said, it’s not always fun and games: it happened to me to come back from a set only half satisfied with the results. There can be a million reasons, some are on my side, some others are not.

The same happens here: some posts make me struggle more than others and some don’t seem to be as interesting and effective as others. It’s part of the game. It’s part of living. What happens around me influences my mood and the way I write, obviously.

But I don’t want to limit my communication only to the good days and when the conditions are perfect.

I’m not perfect.

I don’t even want to be perfect.

I trust you will bear with me on those days.

Take care and talk soon!